fervor 发音
英:[ˈfɜːrvər] 美:[ˈfɜːvə(r)]
英: 美:
fervor 中文意思翻译
fervor 网络释义
n. 热情;热烈;热心;炽热
fervor 短语词组
1、enkindled my fervor ─── 点燃我的热情
fervor 同义词
zeal | fire | dedication | fervency | ardour | commitment | inflammation | excitation | conviction | enthusiasm | warmth | feeling | ardor |passion | excitement | vehemence | vigor | fervour | intensity | fervidness | eagerness
fervor 反义词
fervor 相似词语短语
1、bevor ─── 之前
2、fervorous ─── 凶猛的
3、fervors ─── n.热情;热烈;热心;炽热
4、fervours ─── n.热情(等于fervor)
5、favor ─── v.较喜欢;偏袒;有利于;(非正式)长得像;悉心照料;n.帮助;提拔;徽章;赞同;偏袒;同意性交
6、fervour ─── n.热情(等于fervor)
7、ferv. ─── n.煮沸;abbr.煮沸的(拉丁语fervēns)
8、fervid ─── adj.热的;热心的
9、ferro- ─── pref.表示“含铁”
fervor 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Difficulty and failure couldn't defeat his fervor. ─── 困难和失败都没有挫伤他的热情.
2、They took it for granted that she was imbued with their own patriotic fervor and would have been shocked to know how slight an interest in the war she had. ─── 她们那么热情地履行自己的义务,她们总以为思嘉也像她们自己那样沉浸在炽热的爱国情绪之中,如果发现她竟对战争没有什么兴趣,准会大吃一惊的。
3、In many such cases, he uses bifurcation to express a kind of fervor or even a fury that's comparable to the moral denunciations he criticizes. ─── 在很多这样的例子中,他使用分歧来表达一种热情,或甚至暴怒,其程度堪比他所批评的道德谴责。
4、They took to the new business with all the zeal and fearlessness of their seagoing past, lending abroad with speculative fervor. ─── 他们带着以往在海上时的所有热忱和无畏投身到这个新行业中,凭借狂热的投机欲望从海外大量借贷。
5、The direct negotiation Israel had demanded with such fervor so many years would undoubtedly have to be fueled by Israeli concessions. ─── 以色列多年来所迫切要求的直接谈判必须作出让步才能实现。
6、They are glowing with fervor ─── 他们热情洋溢。
7、I was still full of fervor just a few days ago; it seemed to me that I could move mountains; today, I am crushed. ─── 就在几天前,我还豪情万丈,似乎能移山倒海,可今天,我彻底垮了。
8、Brewster as well as the fervor infinite, does not take into consideration to compose “three people to rob the golden group” smoothly! ─── 三人经过一番计划之后,顺利潜入美联储银行的内部,并以垃圾搬运工的身份成功地将成堆的美元弄到了家里。
9、The staff of professional, enterprising with the firm faith, the full fervor, strides bravely forward moves towards magnificently. ─── 勤奋、业、取的宝联人正以坚定的信念,饱满的激情,昂首阔步走向辉煌。
10、If you are frankly, magnanimous, optimistic, fervor, goodness, I very will to make friends with you. ─── 如果你真诚、乐观、大度、热情、善良,那么我非常愿意和你交朋友;
11、The union of the programmer with the poet, fervor with measure, passion with correctness, this surely is the ideal. ─── 你有什么措施增加论坛发贴量?你如何吸引用户的参与?
12、He could kiss her lips, rest his own physical lips upon them, but it would be with the lofty and awful fervor with which one would kiss the robe of God. ─── 他也可能亲吻她的嘴唇,把自己血肉之后印上去,但必带有亲吻上帝的圣袍的惶惊与狂热。
13、The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor. ─── 修道者的独身观念含有禁欲兴宗教热情之意。
14、But the fervor of this image, almost literally a contrast of fire and ice, is comparatively rare in Chardin's output.Generally his still lifes declare themselves more slowly. ─── 但是,这个几乎由冰与火毫不修饰的对比所呈现的热情图象,相对来说较少出现在夏丹的作品中,一般而言他的静物作品以较为缓慢的方式呈现。
15、The union of the mathematician with the poet, fervor with measure, passion with correctness, this surely is the ideal(William James. ─── 兼备数学家和诗人的气质,热烈而有限度,热情而有节制,这的确是最理想的(威廉 詹姆斯)。
16、Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. ─── 永不缺乏热情,但你要心中火热,服侍主。
17、They have an especially violent hatred of tauren, who return the racial animosity with fervor. ─── 他们特别仇视牛头人,这个带有热情地回击种族间仇恨的种族。
18、When the Romantic Movement was still in its first fervor, it was a common matter of debate whether people should marry for love or for money. The young people concerned usually favored love, and their parents usually favored money. ─── [参考译文]在浪漫主义运动风行之初,应该为爱情还是为金钱而结婚,成了一个人们经常讨论的话题,通常,年轻人偏向于爱情,而他们的父母则偏向于钱财。
19、The raise zetetic study, stimulates student's creation fervor. ─── 培养探究性学习,激发学生的创造激情。
20、But the fervor of this image, almost literally a contrast of fire and ice, is comparatively rare in Chardin's output. Generally his still lifes declare themselves more slowly. ─── 但是这种影像的炙热,几乎是如实地呈现火与冰的对比,相较说来,很少出现在夏丹的作品中。一般说来他的静物画以一种比较缓慢的方式陈述。
21、He took up the cause with evangelical fervor. ─── 他以传道者般的热情投身于这一事业。
22、If it had not been for their great fervor and enthusiasm, we would have encountered even more difficulties. ─── 如果没有工人、学生高度的热心和积极性,我们会遇到许多困难。
23、Olympic organizers hope the soccer fervor will spill over to the August 13-29 Games. ─── 奥组委希望胜利的激情能感染八月13-29日的奥运会比赛。
24、But once leave scene, he loosens the ground to speak with fervor and assurance gradually, speech is biting, accurate and reach the designated position, and often skip an a lot of new think of a way. ─── 可一旦离开镜头,他便渐渐放松地侃侃而谈,话语犀利、精确而到位,而且不时蹦出很多新想法。
25、Carmen falls in love with a security guard, Joseph Bonnaffe (Jacques Bonnaffe) durign the robbery, the two then fiercely develop a relationship of desire and fervor. ─── 她和组织其他成员在策划一宗银行劫案,并向她的导演舅父尚(尚卢.高达饰)讹称要借用他的房子拍电影,其实是和成员们匿藏在那里。
26、Her fervor moved all of us. ─── 她的热心感动了我们全体。
27、He's also a devout Catholic with a missionary fervor, and his conversation glistens with Biblical cadences. (“Justice will flow down like a river and righteousness a mighty stream. ─── 他也是个虔诚的天主教徒,有传教士般的使命感,言谈充满圣经警句般美妙的韵律。比如他会说:正义之河,急流直下,道义之川,强不可阻(意译)。
28、Oh, maple, your spirit is the union of serenity and fervor, the integration of simplicity and greatness. ─── 宁静与热情的统一,平实与伟大的结合,形成了枫树独特的品味。
29、Instead of losing hope, he kept on doing experiments with greater fervor until final success. ─── 他并未失望,而是以更大的热情投身于试验,直至最后成功。
30、China's first major new share offering since last year gw gold rocketed out of the gates Monday in the latest sign that the nation's efforts to shore up its economy are fueling speculative fervor. ─── 中国自去年以来的首次大型新股发行周一强势推出,这是中国提振经济的努力正在加剧投机热的最新迹象。
31、But a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fervor of fire, which is to consume the adversaries. ─── 唯有恐惧等候审判、和那将要吞灭众敌人的烈火。
32、Handles matters the rich fervor and the imagination, the efficiency is very high, handles the matter specially concentrates. ─── 办事富有激情和想像力,效率很高,做事情特别专注。
33、But the fervor of this image, almost literally a contrast of fire and ice is comparatively rare in Chardin's output. ─── 但这个图像的高温,事实上几乎是火和冰的对比,在夏丹的作品中是比较罕见的。
34、His enthusiasm and fervor thrives for good quality electronic dance music. ─── 他的热情和狂热让他的电子舞蹈音乐达到了极高的造诣。
35、Like the national push for Asian literacy in Australia, there has been foreign languages fervor in China, with English on top of the list. ─── 就如澳大利亚在全国推行学亚洲语言一样,中国也掀起一股外语热,在这股热潮中英语高居榜首。
36、The official Xinhua News Agency reported a" fervor,"claiming 86 percent of Shanghainese surveyed knew of the bid and even more--90 percent--backed it. ─── 中国官方新华社在报道中使用了"热情洋溢"一词。 它称在被调查的上海居民中,86%的人知道申办世博会一事,其中90%的人支持申办。
37、She is very eloquent. Even when talking publicly, she speaks with fervor and assurance. ─── 她口才特别好, 当众发言时也是侃侃而谈。
38、They are pushing their Idea with an almost evangelical fervor ─── 他们以一种近似福音传道的热情来推行他们的主张
39、In its fervor and obsession, this attitude is similar to that of a perverse religious cult. ─── 它所带来的热度和迷恋犹如一种过激的宗教狂热。
40、He still retains the revolutionary fervor of the war years. ─── 他还保留着战争年代的革命朝气。
41、They know the feeling well, and need to dig back into recent history when they played with that passion and fervor after everyone counted them out last year when their backs were against the wall. ─── 他们应该知道个中滋味如何,回顾上个赛季,找回那支每个队员都热情挥洒,干劲十足的太阳队吧。
42、The palpable fervor to discover one's roots has been felt keenly in immigrant societies like the United States, Canada, Australia and Singapore. ─── 寻根的热忱在美国、加拿大、澳洲、新加坡等移民社会处处可寻。
43、Perhaps falls in love, is a lucky chance which the love starts, or cannot dismiss from mind the memory, a night of color, is precipitating many fervor. ─── 不期而遇或是一见钟情,是爱情开始的机缘,还是不能忘怀的记忆,夜的颜色,沉淀着许多激情。
44、But there's no revolutionary fervor in Iran today. Instead, dull resignation has seeped in. ─── 如今伊朗的年轻人也没有了当年伊朗人的革命激情,相反,消极的逆来顺受的思想正逐渐深入人心。
45、The dignity of the wife checked the fervor of the lover and the mother. ─── 但妻子的尊严阻止了她充当情人和母亲的冲动。
46、The cathedral at Chartres is an expression of the religious fervor of the Middle ages. ─── 在查特雷斯的大教堂是中世纪时期宗教热情的表现之一。
47、In a word, an almost poetical fervor prevailed. ─── 一时间,席上气氛热烈充满了诗意。
48、Aided by the unscrupulous adventurers who operated the Freedmen's Bureau and urged on by a fervor of Northern hatred almost religious in its fanaticism, the former field hands found themselves suddenly elevated to the seats of the mighty. ─── 原先的农奴,在主持"自由人局"的那帮狂妄冒险家的支持下,加上北方那种近乎宗教狂热的炽烈仇恨的怂恿,现在发现自己突然青云直上身居要职了。
49、In order to impress them and to show his patriotic fervor Raffaele chose to top flat bread with food that would best represent the colors of Italy: red tomato, white mozzarella cheese and green basil. ─── 为了给他们留下深刻印象,并表明自己的爱国热忱,面包师在平面包上添加馅料,这些馅料最能代表意大利的颜色:红色的西红柿、白色的意大利干酪和绿色的罗勒。
50、They are pushing their idea with an almost evangelical fervor. ─── 他们以一种近似福音传道的热情来推行他们的主张。
51、When the Romantic Movement was still in its first fervor,it was a common matter of debate whether people should marry for love or for money. The young people concerned usually favored love,and their parents usually favored money. ─── 在浪漫主义运动风行之初,应该为爱情还是为金钱而结婚,成了一个人们经常讨论的话题,通常,年轻人偏向于爱情,而他们的父母则偏向于钱财。
52、He isn't running as an iconoclast on the right but as a return to soft-spoken moderation at a time of tea-party fervor. ─── 在茶党运动开展得如火如荼之际,洪博培的参选并非作为右翼中的反传统派,而是回归到温文尔雅的中庸派。
53、"Bring down the government ... they don't speak for us," Yorke offers later on "No Surprises," but without any of the revolutionary fervor that the line implies. ─── 国外的这些个性点的专辑大部分整体性比较强,很少可以单拿出来听的。
54、"The union of the mathematician with the poet, fervor with measure, passion with correctness, this surely is the ideal" (William James). ─── “兼备数学家和诗人的气质,热烈而有限度,热情而有节制,这的确是最理想的” (威廉·詹姆斯)。
55、NIV] He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervor and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John. ─── [和合]这人已经在主的42道上受了教训,心里火43热,将耶稣的事详细讲论教训人;只是他单晓得约翰的44洗礼。
56、He dedicated himself to the study of the Kabbala with messianic fervor, and in 1570 he journeyed to a center of the movement in Galilee. ─── 他以救世主的热情献身于喀巴拉的研究。1570年他游历到喀巴拉运动的中心加利利。
57、No, I am a fervent animal lover, replied Ruth. Any of my dogs sad eyes always stirs the fervor in my heart. ─── 不,我对小动物有着强烈的爱。鲁思回答。爱犬悲伤的眼神总会激起我心中的热情。
58、Paul: So, you are saying, then, that the process of Awakening is not necessarily going to be exciting and full of, let us say, religious fervor? ─── 保罗:那麽,你的意思是说,觉醒的过程不见得会令人兴奋或充满我们所谓的宗教热情?
59、We have people forming a tea party movement and all this kind of fervor that I have never heard before in my seventy-five years of life. ─── 我们使人民形成了茶党运动以及所有这类的疯狂举动,这是我活了七十五岁从来没听说过的。
60、It has drowned out the most heavenly ecstacies of religious fervor, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. ─── 它把宗教的虔诚、骑士的热忱、小市民的伤感这些情感的神圣激发,淹没在利己主义打算的冰水之中。
61、His upscale, post-boomer cohort has rallied behind him with unalloyed fervor. ─── 他的社会高层,后生育高峰的支持者以无比的热情集结在他身后。
62、The hype and fervor surrounding the event positively invited scepticism. ─── 围绕这件事的大肆渲染和热情必然会引起人们的怀疑。
63、Why doesn't it arouse great fervor and motivation for following through to that moment of Joining? ─── 为什麽到达结合那一刻之前的过程丝毫引不起任何的激情与动机?
64、If it had not been for their great fervor and enthusiasm, we would have encountered even more difficulties. ─── 如果没有工人、学生高度的热心和积极性,我们会遇到许多困难。
65、When a spirit of fervor is enkindled within you, you may well meditate on how you will feel when the fervor leaves. ─── 及至天主的光照果真失去了,又该想:这光照还能再得。
66、Like the national push for Asian literacy in Australia, there hsa been foreign languages fervor in China, with English on top of list. ─── 就如澳大利亚在全国推行学亚洲语言一样,中国也掀起了一股外语热,在这股热潮中英语高居榜首。
67、The revolutionary fervor of the past year has no doubt affected the Arab word's diverse economies differently. ─── 毫无疑问,过去几年对变革的热情使阿拉伯世界经济的多样性出现了严重分化。
68、The official Xinhua News Agency reported aa" fervor",claiming 86 percent of Shanghainese surveyed knew of the bid and even more--90 percent--backed it. ─── 中国官方新华社在报道中使用了“热情洋溢”一词,据报道,参与调查的上海人有86%知道这个申办,有90%的人支持申办。
69、Very dazzles the contact surface and a more amusing rule, will light once more "looks at masters' game fervor again and again" . ─── 更酷炫的界面和更好玩的规则,将再次点燃“连连看”高手们的游戏激情。
70、of my dog's sad eyes always stirs the fervor in my heart. ─── 爱犬悲伤的眼神总会激起我心中的热情。
71、Moreover in the network about the cherry actor plant nursery bold, the hot fervor play and the streaking commentary is blots out the sky. ─── 另外网络上关于樱桃扮演者苗圃大胆、火辣的激情戏和裸奔的评论更是铺天盖地。
72、Our capacity for religious fervor and for unthinking energetic obedience is unfortunately bottomless. ─── 何其不幸的是,我们的宗教狂热和不动脑筋的一味盲从竟如此严重,简直没有个底。
73、He speaks to us with great fervor. ─── 他热情洋溢地对我们说。
74、"Before the tip-off Kobe went around and got in all those guys' ears and talked about playing with some intensity and fervor," Jackson said. ─── “在跳球前科比走到队员附近告诉他们,比赛时要有勇气,热情和冲击力,不要轻易放弃。”
75、Several Olympic star spoke with fervor and assurance, the scene atmosphere climaxed repeatedly. ─── 几位奥运明星侃侃而谈,现场气氛高潮迭起。
76、My brother was to be a great religious leader, to return the country to its former fervor, to turn the tide against atheism and the Revolution. ─── “我的弟弟将成为一名伟大的虔诚的宗教领袖,使国家重新回到以往的宗教热忱,去扭转对抗无神论和革命的潮流。
77、Yet even when you've reached this plateau, you will occasionally hit points where that fervor wanes. ─── 但即使达到这样的高度,你也会偶尔碰到这样的情况:工作热情减少。
78、If trading was the bloodline of Morgan Stanley, options were the heartbeat and the fervor of each day's flow seemed to center on our desk. ─── 如果说摩根斯坦利血液里流淌着的是证券交易,那么期权交易就是这个巨人的心跳。我们交易组似乎是每天各种各样热力的中心。
79、To lunar calendar in November, between you can have section of fervor to have to come. ─── 到农历十一月,你们之间会有一段激情要来。(真的吗?)
80、And the young are responding with fervor. ─── 同时这年轻一代热心地回应着。
81、On in tonight, releases your fervor. ─── 就在今夜,释放你的激情。
82、He spoke with great fervor. ─── 他热情洋溢地讲话。
83、He called this devotion to inner beauty , fervor of spirit, and deep spiritual desire inner necessity , which was a central aspect of his art. ─── 他呼吁这一献身精神内在美,热情的精神和深厚的内在精神的愿望的必要性,这是一个重要方面他的艺术。
84、The appropriateness of such an approach may seem self-evident for a tradition commencing with spirituals and owing its early forms, rhythms, vocabulary, and evangelical fervor to Wesleyan hymnals. ─── 对于起源于圣歌,并从韦斯利赞美诗集那里汲取其早期形式、韵律、词汇和传教热情的美国黑人诗歌传统来说,这种分析方法显然是非常合适的。
85、He straightened his clothes and sat properly, speaking with fervor and assurance. ─── 他正襟危坐,侃侃而谈。
86、The union of the mathematician with the poet,fervor with measure,passion with correctness,this surely is the ideal(William James. ─── 兼备数学家和诗人的气质,热烈而有限度,热情而有节制,这的确是最理想的(威廉·詹姆斯)。
87、Especially on May 4, the Beijing Olympic Games torch domestic biography in Sanya's success hold, lit 530,000 people's ten thousand ten feet of fervor, feels the superego Olympic Games idea. ─── 尤其是今年5月4日,北京奥运会火炬境内首传在三亚的成功举行,点燃了53万人民的万丈激情,感受到超越自我的奥运理念。
88、But then I wonder, with all my restless yearning, and with all my hyped-up fervor and this stupidly hungry nature of mine, what should I do with my energy instead. ─── 但然后我又想,我天生就是这样孜孜以求,热情狂烈,还有带点傻气的永不满足的个性,我要怎么释放我的能量呢?
89、Now that I look back, those were days with a religious fervor. ─── 回想起来,那些日子还带点宗教似的热诚。
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