despotic 发音
英:[dɪ'spɒtɪk] 美:[dɪ'spɑtɪk]
英: 美:
despotic 中文意思翻译
despotic 词性/词形变化,despotic变形
副词: despotically |形容词: despotic |
despotic 短语词组
1、despotic synchronization ─── 主控同步
2、coolly despotic ─── 冷酷的专制
3、despotic state ─── [法] 专制国家
4、despotic government ─── 专制政府
5、despotic network ─── [计] 主钟控制网
6、despotic landlord ─── [法] 恶霸地主
7、landowner and despotic gentry ─── [法] 地主豪神
despotic 反义词
despotic 同义词
domineering | high-handed | authoritarian | tyrannical |dictatorial | absolute | tyrannic | repressive | despotical | autocratic
despotic 相似词语短语
1、despot ─── n.专制君主,暴君;独裁者;n.(Despot)人名;(塞、罗)德斯波特
2、despotism ─── n.专制,独裁;专制政治
3、despots ─── n.专制君主,暴君;独裁者;n.(Despot)人名;(塞、罗)德斯波特
4、despoil ─── vt.掠夺,剥夺;夺取
5、despotat ─── 之后
6、nepotic ─── adj.袒护亲戚的;起用亲戚的
7、despotical ─── 专制的
8、demotic ─── adj.通俗的,民众的
9、desertic ─── 沙漠的
despotic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The money is running short, discontents are arising beneath these despotic rulers. ─── 在这种专制统治之下,经济日益困难,不满情绪日益增长。
2、Russia's Peter the Great was a cruel despot. ─── 俄国的彼得大帝就是一个残酷无情的暴君。
3、He is a local despot, stopping at nothing in doing evil. ─── 他是个恶霸,无恶不作。
4、The staff felt indignant but dared not say a word about the imperious and despotic acts of the general manager. ─── 对于总经理助理专横跋扈的行为,员工们敢怒不敢言。
5、Units such as Caravans now give full plunder bonus when Despot is nearby. ─── 当专制者在附近时,杀死补给单位能够得到完全的掠夺.
6、He is every inch a local despot . ─── 他彻头彻尾是个土皇帝。
7、In politics, also, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot . ─── 在政治上也是如此,改革者可能与暴君有着同样强烈的权欲,
8、Fishermen organized spontaneously to struggle against the local despot that had monopolized the fishing market. ─── 渔民们自发地组织起来共同对抗渔霸。
9、She accuses the Russian leaders in domestic trend dictatorship despotic, even more has aggressiveness outward. ─── 她指责俄国领导人在国内走向独裁专制,对外越发具有侵略性。
10、Rule by or as if by a despot;absolute power or authority. ─── 专制如同或被专制者统治;绝对权力或权威
11、His despotic actions are horrible. ─── 他的这种桀纣之行令人发指。
12、He was a local despot, who committed all kinds of crimes. ─── 他独霸一方,为非作歹。
13、The despot has ruled his little country for 30 years,but now he's getting old and will have to pass his power on. ─── 暴君已统治他的小国30年。现在他年事已高,要让位了。
14、Ultimately Europe emerged as a mosaic with varied textures, not a steamroller in the hands of a despot. ─── 最终,欧洲呈现出的面貌仿佛一幅糅杂了不同纹理的马赛克,而不是一个暴君手中的压路机。
15、He is despotic to his subordinates. ─── 他对部属极为专横。
16、This Gongjian think this is the new director of favourable and unfavourable to the buyers "despot" clauses. ─── 对此,龚建新认为这显然是对房产商有利而对买家不利的“霸王”条款。
17、FASHION, n. A despot whom the wise ridicule and obey. ─── 时尚:一个暴君,聪明的人既嘲弄它,又服从它。
18、There, Solo was in pursuit of an ancient treasure belonging to Xim the Despot. ─── 在那儿,索洛正在寻找一样属于暴君齐姆的古代宝物。
19、However, it would be wrong to think that this made Chinese governance arbitrary, irrational, or despotic. ─── 不过,要是认为中国统治因此变得更加独断、荒谬或专制,那就错了。
20、The local despot trenched on the temple rs property. ─── 当地恶霸侵占了寺庙的庙产。
21、Ambition in the regions of a despotic and luxurious court was but the contest of flattery and craft. ─── 在一个专制和奢侈的宫廷里,雄心变成了争先恐后的阿谀逢迎和玩弄手腕。
22、Deeply enraged, Guan Yu killed the despot and fled the town. ─── 关羽一怒之下,把虎员外杀了,逃亡他乡。
23、Hou escape from the despotic terrors on the mainland to Hong Kong, and he follow the gang leader Boss Kun. ─── 1962年大逃亡潮,伍国豪、吴明流亡到香港。
24、Untold millions of believers have served him faithfully under despotic governments. ─── 数不清的信徒是在暴虐专横的政府之下忠心地服事主。
25、Despotic control was more important than economic prosperity, or even military strength. ? ─── 暴虐控制,重于经济繁荣,甚至重于穷兵黩武。
26、The country was ruled by a despotic tyrant. ─── 该国家被一位专横的暴君统治着。
27、She rules her family like a real despot. ─── 她治家简直像个暴君。
28、He played an active/positive role as a despot and supreme commander and committed a crime of "destroying peace". ─── 抑或是操纵马关议和、决定接受“三国”干涉 ,等等 ,明治天皇自始至终都扮演着积极主动的角色 ,发挥出了专制君主和最高统帅的作用 ,故犯有“破坏和平罪”
29、Our headmaster is a despotic person. ─── 我们的校长是个专横的人。
30、despotic control was more important than economic prosperity , or even military strength . ─── 暴虐控制,重于经济繁荣,甚至重于穷兵黩武。
31、A ruler having unlimited power;a despot. ─── 独裁统治者一个有着无限权利的统治者;专制者
32、He acted like a despot with dominion over everyone and everything within his domicile . ─── 他像个暴君节制着室庐里的每小我、每件事。
33、And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed. ─── 假如那是个你们所要废黜的暴君,先看他的建立在你心中的宝座是否毁坏。
34、In the heart very afflictive, good by life despotic tired? ─── 心里很难受,被生活压制的好累?
35、Zimbabwe's despotic leader, a man of puzzlingly different identities, is a past master at holding on. ─── 有着不同令人迷惑身份的津巴布韦暴虐领导人是一个过往的主子,但仍然还在掌权。
36、Hearing that the despot Li had died, all the villagers were very happy. ─── 听说李霸天已经吹灯拔蜡了,乡亲们心里都很高兴。
37、A ruler having unlimited power; a despot. ─── 独裁统治者一个有着无限权利的统治者; 专制者
38、On the other hand, he is a real despot. ─── 在另一方面,他是个不择不扣的暴君。
39、Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority. ─── 专制如同或被专制者统治; 绝对权力或权威
40、He was despotic, and she liked freedom; he was worldly, and she, perhaps, romantic. ─── 他专横独断,她却爱好自由;他耽于利欲,她却也许有点罗曼蒂克。
41、His father is the despotic gentry that Seoul has power and influence very much, boss of Ceng Ding enjoin is great keep an eye on he. ─── 他的爸爸是汉城一个很有权势的豪绅,曾叮嘱老板多多关照他。
42、Such enterprises require great central power for the mobilization of labor, and characteristically issue in a despotic form of order. ─── 大型水利工程需要由强大的中央权力来动员劳力,而且明显会导致专制秩序的产生。
43、In politics, also, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot. ─── 政治领域的改革者对权力的执着也绝不亚于暴君。
44、She become so morose and despotic,that her rule become intolerable. ─── 她变得如此孤僻和专横,以致她的统治让人无法忍受。
45、Which has Jin Shan poison the despot traffic permit? ─── 哪有金山毒霸通行证?
46、People rose up against the despotic rule of their potentate. ─── 人们起来反抗君主的专制统治。
47、A split character soaked with poisonous despotic cultural elements can only experience a permanent silent desperation. ─── 专制文化所导致的人格分裂只会使个体感到默默的绝望。
48、The concept of infrastructural power of a country is different from despotic power of a country. ─── 摘要国家能力和国家权力是两个不同的概念。
49、Fashion: a despot whom the wise ridicule and obey. ─── 时尚:一个独裁者,聪明人嘲笑他,又不得不服从他.
50、The despot will not be coming to the cloning lab today. ─── 暴君今天不去克隆实验室。
51、As Despot of the Morea, Constantine had been one of the few Byzantine generals to meet some success against the Turks. ─── 在摩里亚的君主时,君士坦丁就已经率领拜占庭将军进行抗击土耳其人的斗争,并取得了一些胜利。
52、They exercised a despotic rule in their country. ─── 他们在国内实行强暴统治。
53、She was smothered by his despotic power. ─── 她被他的淫威镇住了。
54、She became so morose and despotic, that her rule became intolerable. ─── 她变得如此孤僻和专横,以致她的统治让人无法忍受。
55、Such enterprises require great central power for the mobilization of labor, and characteristically issue in a despotic form of order. ─── 大型水利工程需要由强大的中央权力来动员劳力,而且明显会导致专制秩序的产生。
56、He acted like a despot with dominion over everyone and everything within his domicile. ─── 他像个暴君控制着住宅里的每个人、每件事。
57、He was a despot with a heart of granite . ─── 他是个铁石心肠的暴君。
58、Absolute or despotic control or power. ─── 专政绝对或专制的管理或权力
59、Despotic monarchy is chief enemy of democracy as well as peace. So all sides will work to fight despotic monarchy and establish full-fledged democracy. ─── 王室的独裁统治是民主和和平的主要敌人。所以社会各界需要共同努力打倒王室独裁政权,建立完全的民主。
60、It was a powerful symbol of the despotic monarchy under which the people of France suffered. ─── 它是令法国人深受磨难的专制君主制的一个强烈象征。
61、" Totalitarianism strives not toward despotic rule over men but toward a system in which men are superfluous, " she said. ─── 她说:“极权主义不是朝着对人的专制统治,而是向着一种制度奋斗,在这种制度中,人变得多余、过剩。”
62、"Provincial Council right -- is the real estate provisions despot! ─── “省消委会说得没错,购房定金就是霸王条款!”
63、In order to prevent the establishment of a despotic regime, Kant demanded a separation of powers. ─── 为了防止形成专制统治,康德要求权力分立。
64、Flower rules her family like a real despot. ─── 就是说花夫人像暴君一样治理她的族群。
65、we have every reason to take such a despotic and mysterious project with the severest skepticism, and to appeal for independent audit on it. ─── 面对一个这样霸道而神秘的慈善工程,我们完全有理由用最坏的心去揣测他,并要求对希望工程进行独立的审计。
66、The despot has ruled his little country for 30 years, but now he's getting old and will have to pass his power on. ─── 暴君已统治他的小国30年。 现在他年事已高,要让位了。
67、Why so arrogant and despotic. ─── 所以才这么嚣张跋扈。
68、I look upon the Espionage Law as a despotic enactment in flagrant conflict with democratic principles and with the spirit of free institutions... ─── 我把间谍法看成是与民主原则和自由制度的精神公然对抗的专横的法令。
69、The crowd chanted ' Down with the Despot'. ─── 人群有节奏地不断呼喊'打倒暴君'。
70、A despot who disposed of all his enemies, real or imagined. ─── 暴君杀死了他所有的敌人,无论是真的还是想象的
71、The local government should exclude these despotic officials and ruthless bandits. ─── 当地政府必须尽快铲除腐恶。
72、The Christian religion is a stranger to mere despotic power. ─── 基督教禁止一夫多妻制。
73、We just can't stand despotic clauses like this. ─── 对这种霸王条款,我们就是气不忿儿!
74、Political parties and civic institutions were weakened and legitimate protest squelched, often brutally, by the despotic Mr Conte. ─── 政党以及民间组织被削弱,合法示威也经常遭到孔戴的残酷打压。
75、Finally,we can get the conclusion:seigneur,marquis and the bureaucrats are parasites existing on despotic regality. ─── 本章主要分析同姓诸侯、列侯及官僚阶层与皇权之间的矛盾演变,阐述诸侯王、列侯及官僚阶层对世袭皇权的依附性。
76、To pay the debt of the family, she was sold to the despotic landlord Huang Shiren. ─── 她被迫卖给恶霸地主黄世仁抵债
77、Mother-in-law strong trend, despotic, because Dahua harassed the life to lose the foreword, but was annoyed. ─── 丈母娘强势,专制,因为大华扰乱了生活失序而恼火。
78、Beside Cosette he felt himself beside his own property, his own thing, his own despot and his slave. ─── 他待在珂赛特的身旁,自以为是在他财产的旁边,在他所有物的旁边,在他的暴君和奴隶的旁边。
79、He was a despotic emperor. ─── 他是一个暴君。
80、In fact, it depends on the contract "despot clause. ─── 原来,它靠的是合同里的“霸王条款”。
81、The despot and traitor was brought to public trial during the land reform and all his crimes were exposed. ─── 土改时公审了那个恶霸兼汉奸,并揭露了其全部罪行。
82、Challenges despot sector questioned why the number of mortgage loans will spend money? ─── 挑战霸王部门质疑按揭贷款房贷将花多少冤枉钱?
83、Each person is a King, at his own despotic world aspect, you do not listen to me, but you do not let me listen to you! ─── 每个人都是一个国王,在自己的世界里纵横跋扈,你不要听我的,但你也不要让我听你的!
84、Our headmaster is a despotic person. ─── 我们的校长是个专横的人。
85、He acted love a despot dawn dominion over eVery abundancefirst or eVery abundancething dawnin his domicile. ─── 他像个暴君控制着住宅里的每一自己、每件事。
86、The Chinese people were in almost open revolt against the despot who had ruled them for twenty-two years. ─── 中国人民揭竿而起,反对这个统治他们二十二年之久的暴君了。
87、The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence. ─── 专制者声称自己是上天选定的统治工具。
88、Charlotte always arranges everything in our house and rules us like a despot. ─── 在我们家里,件件事总是由夏洛特去安排,她象个专制君主那样统治着我们。
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