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08-09 投稿


aloneness 发音

英:[[ə'ləʊnɪs]]  美:[[ə'loʊnɪs]]

英:  美:

aloneness 中文意思翻译



aloneness 反义词


aloneness 词性/词形变化,aloneness变形

名词: aloneness |

aloneness 短语词组

1、aloneness n ─── 孤独

2、aloneness definition ─── 孤独定义

3、aloneness synonym ─── 孤独同义词

4、aloneness gwendolyn brooks ─── 孤独格温德林布鲁克斯

5、aloneness spells maturity ─── 孤独意味着成熟

6、aloneness osho ─── 孤独奥修

7、aloneness tekken 7 ─── 未知文本7

8、aloneness comes ─── 孤独来了

9、aloneness quotes ─── 孤独引语

aloneness 同义词

forsaken | exclusively | by yourself |lonely | solely | isolated | lone | unattended | sole | private | single | personally | deserted | apart | unaccompanied | unequalled | unique | solitary | only | unparalleled | forlorn | solo | abandoned | unequaled | single-handedly | friendless | desolate | lonesome | on your own | entirely | unaided

aloneness 相似词语短语

1、closeness ─── n.亲密;接近;密闭;严密

2、goneness ─── n.衰弱,软弱

3、aliveness ─── n.活力

4、doneness ─── n.(肉的)煮熟度

5、blondeness ─── 金发

6、oneness ─── n.统一性;单一性;同一性;完整

7、aloofness ─── n.冷漠;高傲;超然离群

8、alikeness ─── n.类同性,相似性

9、loneness ─── n.幽静;孤寂

aloneness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This time he fell on his knees, and, clasping his hands convulsively, uttered a prayer intelligible to God alon ─── 这次,他跪了下来,作了一个只有上帝知道的祷告。

2、Still, I shook with a mixture of aloneness and terror. ─── 但是我依旧瑟瑟发抖,因为我孤立无援,充满恐惧。

3、"Evolution has wired men to understand that the better they are at providing, the more appealing they are to women," says Alon Gratch, Ph.D. ─── 进化的过程让男人理解,如果他们受到更好的供应,他们就越能吸引女性。

4、Keywords sapphire;transparent polycrystalline spinel;ALON;missile dome;optical materials; ─── 白宝石;尖晶石;氮氧化铝;头罩;光学材料;

5、New Advances And Prospects of Research on AlON And Composites ─── AlON及其复相材料的新进展和展望

6、Alon, N., et al. "Scale Sensitive Dimensions, Uniform Convergence, and Learnability."?Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science (1993). ─── 该文给出了对于实值函数与分布无关的一致收敛性的充分必要条件。

7、Long were the days of pain I have spent within its walls, and long were the nights of aloneness; ─── 在高墙之内,我度过了漫长痛苦的白昼,以及孤独漫长的黑夜;

8、By actively embracing your aloneness, you create new results in every aspect of your life. ─── 通过主动拥抱你的孤单,你可以在生活的各个方面创造新的结果。

9、Because of this tension and fear we become more afraid of our own isolation and aloneness. ─── 由于这种紧张和恐惧,人们对隔离和孤独就更焦虑。

10、You have sung to me in my aloneness , and I of your longings have built a tower in the sky . ─── 你们曾在我的孤寂中歌唱;我曾为你们在天上盖起一座高塔。

11、Characterized by aloneness; solitary. ─── 孤独的以独自一人为特征的;孤单的

12、1.The system is posses sed of flexibilities in picture processing, video display and data storage, alon g with easy usage and low price compared with traditional analog CCTV monitoritn systems. ─── 与传统的模拟式闭路电视监控系统相比 ,在图像的处理、显示与存储方面更加灵活 ,使用更加方便 ,并可节省价格昂贵的模拟信号存储设备和编辑处理设备 .

13、Beyond my solitude is another solitude, and to him who dwells therein my aloneness is a crowded market-place and my silence a confusion of sounds. ─── 在我的孤寂之外自有另一种孤寂,在他而言我的孤独竟只是一个纷繁嘈杂的闹市而我的沉默是一簇无序的噪音。

14、Don’t run from your aloneness, for it is always there. ─── 不要逃离孤独,因为人总是孤独的。

15、This is why God Himself cannot liberate man from his aloneness: it is man’s greatness that he is centered within himself. ─── 重要声明:本讨论区是以即时上载留言的方式运作,本站对所有留言的真实性、完整性及立场等,不负任何法律责任。

16、And in you I have found aloneness and the joy of being shunned and scorned. ─── 在你那儿,我发现了孤独,品味到了被遗弃和被嘲笑的欢乐。

17、W.Chen.a , D.W.Fryrear.b , a: Environmental Group, Alon USA Oil and Chemical Company, P.O. Box 131 ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

18、To love that is always a long, secluded time ahead and far on into life, and is solitude ,a heightened and deepened kind of aloneness for the person who loves. ─── 去爱是个漫长而与世隔绝的过程,它将延续到整个生命中。这个过程使是孤独的,对于爱着的人来说,他/她将会体会到的事是一种比别人更强烈、更深刻的孤独感。

19、Celebrate being alone, delight in yourself, dance in your aloneness. ─── 庆祝自己的孤单,让自己独自快乐,与孤单共舞。

20、And some of you have called me aloof, and drunk with my own aloneness, ─── 你们有些人说我冷淡,酣醉于孤傲之中。

21、On the other hand you need not to spend money to music player - with ALON MP3 Dictaphone you can listen to your favourite music in MP3, OGG, AAC/MP4/M4A, AMR and WAV - the most popular audio formats. ─── 在另一只手上您不需要花费金钱对音乐播放器-与ALON MP3录音电话机您能听到您在MP3、OGG、AAC/MP4/M4A、AMR和WAV的喜爱的音乐-最普遍的音频格式。

22、2. Red:the base of color is right-red,the most bright color among red series,.suitable for everyone,alon euse or match color are all right. ─── 大红:底色为正红,是红色系中最艳丽最纯真的颜色。适合任何人使用,可配合任何色,也可单独使用。

23、Jesus Christ is God's ONLY provision for man's sin. Through him alon Marketing e we can know God personally and expjience God's love. ─── 耶稣基督是神为人的罪所预备的唯一救法。借着他我们可以亲自认识他,并体验神的爱。

24、The pianist sat alon rat the key board and began to play. ─── 钢琴家坐到钢琴前.开始弹奏.

25、and who can depart from his pain and his aloneness without regret? ─── 有谁能无牵无挂的摆脱他的痛苦和孤独呢?

26、Influencing Factors on Transparency of AlON Ceramics ─── 影响尖晶石型AlON陶瓷透明性的因素

27、Aloneness is our nature.Loneliness is us running away from it. ─── 孤独是我们的本性,而寂寞是我们想要逃离的。

28、When a person cannot kill aloneness or find no one to communicate, no one to understand his life , the people will get angry. ─── 当一个人不能打发孤独,找不到可以交流的人,没有人能理解他,便会积怨于心。

29、7% correct rate of Ben-Dor and 87.1% correct rate of Alon, the performance of ColonLVQPM is the best. ─── 与 S. Furey 取得的 90.3%的分类正确率,Ben-Dor取得的 88.7%的分类正确率以及 Alon 取得的 87.1%的分类正确率相比,本文创建的结肠癌学习矢量量化预测模型的分类性能最佳。

30、When a person cannot kill aloneness or find no one to communicate, no one to understand his life, the people will get angry. ─── 当一个人不能打发孤独,找不到可以交流的人,没有人能理解他,便会积怨于心。

31、and who can depart from his pain and his aloneness without regret? ─── 而谁又能不带遗憾地远离他的痛苦和孤独呢?


33、Alon says, "we are still learning about the Kyoho, it takes a few years to understand. ─── 阿伦说:“我们还在了解巨峰葡萄,这需要几年才能明白。”

34、Long were the days of pain I have spent within its walls,and long were the nights of aloneness;and who can depart fron his pain and his aloneness without regret? ─── 在第十二年,也就是“收割月”的第七日,他等上没有城墙的山冈,远眺大海,看到他的航船正从雾霭中驶来。

35、when you see them, love life in a form that is not your own and be indulgent toward those who are growing old, who are afraid of the aloneness that you trust. ─── 要爱惜他们那种生疏方式的生活,要谅解那些进入老境的人们;他们对你所信任的孤独是畏惧的。

36、Don't run from your aloneness, for it is always there. ─── 不要逃离孤独,因为人总是孤独的。

37、Never mind;seek out those who can resonate with your silence - or enjoy your aloneness. ─── 不要介意,找寻那些能够跟你的宁静共鸣的人,或者就享受你的单独。

38、Stairwells are horrible places to be alon! e and the perfect crime spot). ─── (楼梯间是一个可怕的地方,容易让人形单影只,变成最好的犯罪场所。

39、Such a life involves an amazement at the shallow consumerism passing for happiness, all the while dealing with aloneness but not loneliness. ─── 与浅薄的实用主义和享乐主义相比,这样的生活方式无异于惊世骇俗:从来独处却从不孤独。

40、ALON Contact Guide PRO for S60 3rd Edition is a professional contact manager with call manager included. ─── 阿龙联系指南专业的S60第三版,是一家专业经理联系电话经理包括在内。

41、I would go so far as to argue that men were programmed to be isolated from one another and that aloneness is our natural state. ─── 我甚至认为男人天生就是彼此孤立的,孤独是我们的自然状态。

42、1219 A feed salesman is on his way to a farm. As he's driving alon ... ─── 0179如果你想做成一件事.有三点很重要:合作、尝试和机遇。合作是基本...

43、To overcome this feeling of aloneness, you must have a great deal of emotional support from your family and friends. ─── 但你又必须从你的家庭和朋友那里得到大量的情感支持才能克服这种孤独感。

44、Just because of aloneness, there are so many people i this world indulging in“ Jiu She” or other‘ bu Liang shi hao zhong” which results in tons of social problems. ─── 正因为孤独,如此多人沉溺酒色或者其他的不良嗜好中,因此而引发了种种社会问题。

45、Her husband had begun to discover the joys of aloneness. ─── 而教师、大师、禅师,他们去山上以便能够更好的熟悉它。

46、I am quite alon, and pleased with life in this countryside, ─── 我独自一人,倍觉这种乡村生活的怡情悦性,

47、Many are those who have given their kingdom for less than solitude and the sweet fellowship of aloneness. ─── 多少人都放弃了江山,只为在独居中求得甜蜜的宁静;

48、Runs away lonely lonesome, hides the lonely aloneness. ─── 逃不过寂寞的寂,躲不过孤独的独.

49、Such a life involves an amazement at the shallow consumerism passing for happiness, all the while dealing with aloneness but not loneliness. ─── 与浅薄的实用主义和享乐主义相比,这样的生活方式无异于惊世骇俗:从来独处却从不孤独。

50、In your aloneness you have watched with our days, and in your wakefulness you have listened to the weeping and the laughter of our sleep. ─── 你在孤独中观察我们的生活,你在清醒时聆听我们梦中的哭泣与欢笑。

51、It is distributed alon g the Pangxidong -Jinshan fault system,and composed mainly of hydro thermally altered deformed rocks an d quartz veins. ─── 地质地球化学研究结果表明,该矿床是中低温蚀变构造岩型银金矿床。

52、Long were the days of pain i have spent within itswalls, and long were the nights of aloneness; and who can depart from his pain and his aloneness without regret? ─── 在此城中,我经历了痛苦串起的白昼和孤寂缀成的夜晚;试问,谁能了无牵挂的摆脱痛苦和孤寂?

53、Aloneness is different than loneliness, although the two are a bit conflated and you can feel either without the other. ─── 孤独和寂寞不同,尽管它们有时被混为一谈,但你还是可以分辨出彼此间情感的不同。

54、John: And there was one other thing that Alon said, he said the mobile phone was an extension of ourselves! ─── 手机就是一切!它已经成为我们的一部分,所以人们不认为和朋友通个电话是什么没礼貌的事情,哪怕是在餐桌上。

55、The thesis does not offer much detail about the condition of fellowship and interpersonal openness that delivers us from sin and aloneness. ─── 对于使得我们免除原罪和孤独感的情谊和人际开放性的条件,罗尔斯的本科论文并没有提供很多细节。

56、Keywords TiAlON;AlON;Lattice parameter;Physical properties; ─── 钛阿隆;阿隆;晶格常数;物理性能;


58、2.And from aloneness, that is the beginning of true Romance. ─── 2. 孤独是真正爱情的开始。

59、A good wife never makes her husband do dishes alon. ─── 一个好的妻子不会让她的丈夫自己洗碗。

60、It was the womb itself, aloneness, alaya vijnana the universal store, the Great Free Treasure, the Great Victory, infinite completion, the joyful mysterious essence of Arrangement. ─── 这是子宫本身,阿赖耶识的宇宙商店,伟大的自由宝藏,大胜利,无限的完成,愉悦神秘的谐调本质。

61、There were no kids around and he was used to playing alon quietly. ─── 那里没有其他小孩,他习惯一个人这样静静地玩着。

62、Her husband had begun to discover the joys of aloneness. He had become meditative, more content and quietly joyful. ─── 她丈夫已经开始发现孤单的乐趣,他变得爱思考,更满足,更快乐。

63、an ultimate aloneness to human existence. ─── 人类的存在有着无限的孤独。

64、And there is no need to spend money to music player - with ALON Audio Recorder you can listen to your favorite music in MP3, OGG and WAV - the most popular audio formats.NEW! ─── 另外,你也不用花钱去买随身听之类的东东,因为通过这个软件你可以欣赏你喜爱的音乐,音乐文件格式则包括最流行的MP3,OGG 和WAV。

65、They frequently have difficulty tolerating aloneness, even for short periods of time. ─── 他们经常难于有忍耐力,哪怕是一小会儿。

66、You have sung to me in my aloneness, and I of your longings have built a tower in the sky. ─── 你们曾在我的孤寂中歌唱;我曾为你们在天上盖起一座高塔。

67、When a person cannot kill aloneness or find no one to communicate, no one to understand his life, the people will get angry. ─── 当一个人不能打发孤独,找不到可以交流的人,没有人能理解他,便会积怨于心。

68、Love,Freedom,Aloneness: The Koan of Relationships. ─── 爱,自由,单独--关系的"心印"

69、On the other hand you need not to spend money to music player -with ALON MP3 Dictaphone you can listen to your favourite music in MP3,OGG, AAC/MP4/M4A, AMR and WAV - the most popular audio formats. ─── 另一方面是你不要花钱的音乐播放器, 您可以收听您喜欢的音乐,在对MP3 , Ogg , AAC/MP4/M4A , AMR和音频-最流行的音频格式。(不好意思,不知道翻译的准不准确,见笑,见笑!)

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